Region: Pacific Coast
Lead Investigator: Agent 66
Last Updated: 29 May 2024
- More than 300 claimed sightings during the past 200 years
- "A native image that fits Caddy's description has been traditionally used throughout Alaska. The image indicates that Caddy or a Caddy-like creature moves north to Vancouver when the waters warm. The Inuit of Alaska have even put the picture on their canoes to keep the creature away. The Cadborosaurus is called hiyitl'iik by the Manhousat people who live on Sidney Inlet, t'chain-ko in Sechelt mythology, and numkse lee kwala by the Comox band of Vancouver Island."
- Name comes from Cadboro Bay in Greater Victoria, British Columbia.
- Sea serpent
- Horse-like head and long neck
- "a pair of small elevating front flippers, and either a pair of hind flippers, or a pair of large webbed hind flippers fused to form a large fan-like tail region that provides forward propulsion"
- Exclusively aquatic
- 1930: Carcass found on Glacier Island, thought to possibly be a whale.
- 1933: Editor and journalist Archie H. Wills coined the name "Cadborosaurus"
- 1937: Carcass found in stomach of a sperm whale, thought to possibly be a fetal baleen whale.
- 1941: Carcass, named "Sarah the sea hag", found on Kitsilano Beach identified as a shark.
- 1956: 100-foot long carcass found south of Yakutat, Alaska. Some say it did not match the characteristics of any known creature, others claim it was a Baird's beaked whale (which only grow to about 40 feet).
- 1968: W. Hagelund claimed to catch live baby Caddy, returned to water.
- 1991: Phyllis Harsh claimed to catch live baby Caddy, returned to water.
Proposed Explanations
- Sea lion
- Giant oarfish
- Basking shark
Carcass extracted from the stomach of a sperm whale.
1937. Naden Harbour, British Columbia.
1937. British Columbia.
Newspaper clipping
January 1993. Penny Park. New Scientist.
2009 Cadborosurus Video (filmed by Kelly Nash) - Enhanced and Stabilized
Cadborosaurus 1. File # 01-10-1-H
Other Resources
Sightings, Research and Information on the Cadborosaurus
Cadborosaurus Wikipedia
The Case of the Cadborosaurus Carcass: A Review
The Cadborosaurus Wars
Loch Ness Monster-like Animal Filmed in Alaska?
Cadborosaurus: Sea Serpent, Dinosaur, or Myth?
Discovering Cadborosaurus by Paul LeBlond
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