Peterson's Haunted Corner
Region: Peterson Elementary School. Kalispell, Montana.
Coordinates: 48.192481, -114.330323
Lead Investigator: Agent 153
Last Updated: 12 April 2024
- Located in the southwest corner of Meridian Park, the park used as Peterson Elementary's recess space
- Local legend, popular with elementary schoolers
- Triangular, spanning roughly 10 feet across
Collected Reports from Former Students:
- Daniel E states, "I honestly can't remember anything [about the lore], but I do remember my friends and I taking turns running back and forth in it and seeing who could stay there longest before wimping out and coming back".
- Ben, doesn't remember much of lore behind the corner itself. However, they do recall the 'Z Rock', which was "further out from tree by fence, partially uncovered. And supposedly the rock fell from the sky, hit [a student] on top of the head, and killed him. I do remember some people saying it drove him straight into the ground, but I never believed that. But supposedly it killed him and his spirit resides there today, so you can like... pray to the rock".
- Agent 159 reports hearing stories of something or someone that was buried in the haunted corner, cursing the area so nothing could live in that patch of dirt.
- When interviewed, Agent 173 recalled reports of gargantuan spiders inhabiting the bush. The bush also supposedly went on forever if you stepped into it.
- Shelbie Guckenberg - Full statement below.
Proposed Explanations
- Simply made-up children's stories
- A true tragedy occurred there, and the story has morphed through years of retellings
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