June 2024

Agent 173 - Code name: ''Cherrybomb''

Coordinates: 48.192481, -114.330323

You are being sent to investigate Peterson's Haunted Corner. Sadly, we recently lost a large chunk of our database and much of the information we had on the topic is gone. The purpose of your investigation is to fill in the missing gaps. Please complete the following tasks sometime in the month of June. This process should take less than one day.

Undertaking this investigation will familiarise you with the process. Not only will you learn how to interview clients/witnesses, but you will be able to investigate on-site.

Goal: Collect as much information on the topic as possible.



Peterson's Haunted Corner L.I.C.E. Database Page

Please feel free to contact your advisor with any questions or concerns you may have. Your advisors is also available to brainstorm ideas or problem solve with you, make sure you use them as a resource.