
Region: Global

Lead Investigator: Agent 38

Last Updated: 27 April 2024

"Parapsychology is the study of psychic or psi phenomena (pronounced 'sigh'). These are exchanges of information between living things (mainly people, of course), or between living things and the environment, which occur with the use of what we call the 'normal' senses, and do not seem to be explicable the 'known' physical laws of nature".

This page will cover:

See this page for information on The Big Three specifically.

History of Psychical Research

Debunking Flimflam

A note on the term "ghost": "Ghost" is not used in parapsychology. However, it is often used to indicate a figure or apparition when talking to clients because it is a term they are familiar with. Many mediums use the word "spirit" when they refer to a presence from "the other side" projecting back to our world, and they use "ghost" for those people who have not moved to the otherside.

Ghost hunting shows have created a new pop folklore surrounding the paranormal. This is very detrimental to true research of psi phenomena. Many people assume ghosts are dangerous, something to be feared. However, there is usually no indication of any danger, even in a large-scale parapsychological event.

No known devices are capable of detecting paranormal activity, since we do not know what we're trying to detect.

See this interview with Loyd Auerbach himself for much more excellent information on paraphychological misconceptions.

Types of Psi

"We can break psi down into two main kinds of interactions, and a third group of occurrences that don't quite seem to fit as yet."

1. ESP

2. PK

3. Other Types

Testing Psi Abilities


Forever Family Foundation

Rhine Research Center

What Is Parapsychology

Paranormal Terminology

A Scientific Approach to the Paranormal, Carrie Poppy TED Talk

10 Scientific Theories to Explain Why We See Ghosts

Buzzfeed Unsolved's BEST Ghost Evidence

Interview With Loyd Auerbach

Ghost Hunting with Loyd Auerbach

Psychokinesis (PK) With Loyd Auerbach

Note: Anecdotes and Case Synopses from Loyd Auerbach available on request, contact your advisor.

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For corrections, questions, or further information, please contact your advisor.

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