The Columbia River Sand Squink
Region: Mountains of Washington
Lead Investigator: Agent 32
Last Updated: 8 June 2014
- Anguillamvorax coruscens
- Exclusive to the mountains of Washington
- Reported only by prospectors, hunters, and sheep-herders
- Reported to have a body similiar to a coyote, with fur patterned similar to a bobcat, jack-rabbit ears, and a squirrel's tail.
- Diet consists mostly of fish.
- It is said that it perfers to eat electric eels, and can store static electricity in it's body. It then uses this static to create flashes of light that attracts prey. However, electric eels do not reside in the same regions as the sand squink, so this is commonly disregarded.
- Nocturnal
- Builds nests to lay its eggs
Illustration by Margaret Ramsay Tryon from 'Fearsome Critters' by Henry H. Tryon (1939)
The Columbia River Sand Squink as depicted in MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation
Other Resources
'Fearsome Critters' by Henry H. Tryon (1939) pages 8-9
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