Region: Mountains of Colorado
Lead Investigator: Agent 32
Last Updated: 13 May 2014
"A forest ranger, whose district includes the rough country between Ophir Peaks and the Lizzard Head, conceived the bold idea of decoying a slide-rock bolter to its own destruction. A dummy tourist was rigged up with plaid Norfolk jacket, knee breeches, and a guide book to Colorado. It was then filled full of giant powder and fulminate caps and posted in a conspicuous place, where, sure enough, the next day it attracted the attention of a bolter which had been hanging for days on the slope of Lizzard Head. The resulting explosion flattened half the buildings in Rico, which were never rebuilt, and the surrounding hills fattened flocks of buzzards the rest of the summer."
Excerpt from 'Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods: With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts' by William Thomas Cox
Illustration by Coert DuBois from 'Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods: With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts' by William Thomas Cox (1910)
Artist impression of the Slide-Rock Bolter
'Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods: With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts' by William Thomas Cox page 20-21
Slide-Rock Bolter (Mountain Whale)
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