Region: Global

Lead Investigator: Agent 51

Last Updated: 1 March 2024

UFO Shapes/Types

History of PNW Sightings

Proposed UFO Sighting Explanations

Each sighting has its own plethora of factors and explanations, but these are the main ones:

UFO-Related Phenomena

Alleged Extraterrestrial Beings

Alien Abduction

"Alien abduction refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation."

Common Narrative

Most abduction cases follow a similar series of events, though they do vary:

  1. "Capture: The abductee is somehow rendered incapable of resisting, and taken from terrestrial surroundings to an apparent alien spacecraft.
  2. Examination and Procedures: Invasive physiological and psychological procedures, and on occasion simulated behavioral situations, training & testing, or sexual liaisons.
  3. Conference: The abductors communicate with the abductee or direct them to interact with specific individuals for some purpose, typically telepathically but sometimes using the abductee's native language.
  4. Tour: The abductees are given a tour of their captors' vessel, though this is disputed by some researchers who consider this definition a confabulation of intent when just apparently being taken around to multiple places inside the ship.
  5. Loss of Time: Abductees often rapidly forget the majority of their experience, either as a result of fear, medical intervention, or both.
  6. Return: The abductees are returned to earth, occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing.
  7. Theophany: Coinciding with their immediate return, abductees may have a profound sense of love, a "high" similar to those induced by certain drugs, or a "mystical experience", accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God, the universe, or their abductors. Whether this is the result of a metaphysical change, Stockholm syndrome, or prior medical tampering is often not scrutinized by the abductees at the time.
  8. Aftermath: The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience."

Proposed Abduction Explanations

Public Perception in the U.S.

Note: Survey done in 2002.

McMinnville UFO Photo One

11 May 1950. Paul Trent. Trent farm, McMinnville, Oregon.

Supposed UFO, Passaic, New Jersey.

July 1952. George Stock. Passaic, New Jersey.


Pentagon Officially Releases 'UFO' Videos

Mariana UFO Footage


Extraterrestrial Life Wiki

The History of UFOs

Pentagon UFO Videos

3 Videos From The Pentagon's Secret UFO Program

Identification Studies of UFOs

List of UFO Hoaxes

Report of Unidentified Flying Objects

Roswell's Bizarre UFO Crash

See Also:

Anal Probing

For UFO info from outside the PNW, click here.

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For corrections, questions, or further information, please contact your advisor.

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