let's get straight to business, shall we?

you've come this far, you've proven yourself to be daring and cunning enough to be considered.

"considered for what?" you'll ask. I'll explain later.

what's important now is that you listen very very closely to the following information:

everything you know is wrong.

no, not e v e r y t h i n g i suppose. You know that gravity holds us on the face of Earth, which is as close to "proven true" as we can get. and you know that five plus three is equal to eight. and you probably know that plants need H2O to live and shrimp see more colors than humans do and yada yada yada. all of which is considered "correct" by our definitions.


there are things you don't know about. there are things that no one can quite explain. secrets shrouded in thousands of years of mystery. things you could never imagine.

so if we are to continue, you must open your mind to possibilities you've never dreamed of; perspectives you've never considered; truths you've never encountered.

you have two options:

if you wish to remain ignorant

OR you could chose to embrace the mystery

you may proceed....