
Region: Pacific Northwest, Global

Lead Investigator: Agent 20

Last Updated: 1 March 2024


Top Locations:

Brief History

Selected Reports

Stories are from The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved (2001).

Ape Canyon Incident

"It begins in 1924, when a group of miners were working in the Mount St Helens range in Washington State, seventy-five miles north of Portland, Oregon. One day they saw a big ape-like creature peering out from behind a tree. One of the miners fired at it, and thought the bullet hit its head. The creature ran off into the forest. Then another miner, Fred Beck - who was to tell the story thirty-four years later - met another of the "apes" at the canyon tim, and shot it in the back three times. It toppled over into the canyon; but when the miners went to look there was no body. That night the miners found themselves under siege. From dusk until dawn the next day the creatures pounded on the doors, walls and the roof, and rocks were hurled. The miners braced the heavy door from inside, and fired shots through the walls and roof. But the creatures were obviously angry and determined, and the assault ceased only at sunrise. That day the miners decided to abandon the site."

Excerpt from The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved (2000)

For more information: Ape Canyon Incident of 1924

Patterson-Gimlin Footage

"In October 1967 two young men called Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were in Bluff Creek in Del Norte country, northern California, when they were thrown from their horses as they rounded the bend in the Creek. About a hundred feet ahead, on the other side of the Creek bed, there was a huge, hairy creature that walked like a man. Roger Patterson grabbed his cine-camera, and started filming. The creature - which they had by now decided was a female - stopped dead, then looked around at them. 'She wasn't scared a bit. The fact is, I don't think she was scared of me, and the only thing I can think of is that the clicking of my camera was new to her'. As Patterson tried to follow her the creature suddenly began to run, and after three and a half miles they lost her tracks on pine needles."

Excerpt from The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved (2000)

(See footage and film analysis below)

Proposed Explanations

Evidence For Existence of Bigfoot

Evidence Against Existence of Bigfoot

Known Hoaxes


A reproduction of the petroglyphs at Painted Rock.

1 January 1889. Agent 8. 10th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

Image from a Bushnell trail camera, "Allegheny Bigfoot".

16 September 2007. Rick Jacobs. Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania.


Patterson-Gimlin Footage

Marble Mountain Footage

Independence Day Footage

Provo Canyon Footage

Other Resources

WWU Research in Cryptozoology: Bigfoot Resources

The Film That Made Bigfoot A Star - Patterson-Gimlin Film Analysis

Crypto Newsletter: Hominology Special I

Crypto Newsletter: Hominology Special II

Bigfoot Wikipedia

The Harrowing Hunt For Bigfoot

Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science - NPR Audio Clip and Transcript

If Bigfoot Were Real

In Search of Bigfoot

The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved by Colin and Damon Wilson (2000)

See Also:


Lockridge Monster

Yukon Beaver Eater

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